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SD Card IO

This sample illustrates access the SD card and writing to a file using standard System.IO calls.


using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace SDCardIO
public class Program
public static void Main()
// some debug output for funsies
OutputSDInfo ();

var volume = new VolumeInfo("SD");

// check to see if there's an SD card inserted
if (volume != null)
// "SD" is the volume name,
var path = Path.Combine("SD","test.txt");

// write some text to a file
File.WriteAllBytes (path, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ("Foooooooo"));

// Must call flush to write immediately. Otherwise, there's no guarantee
// as to when the file is written.
Debug.Print ("There doesn't appear to be an SD card inserted");

public static void OutputSDInfo()
var vInfo = new VolumeInfo ("SD");

if (vInfo != null)
Debug.Print ("Is Formatted: " + vInfo.IsFormatted.ToString ());
Debug.Print ("Total Free Space: " + vInfo.TotalFreeSpace.ToString ());
Debug.Print ("Total Size: " + vInfo.TotalSize.ToString ());
Debug.Print ("File System: " + vInfo.FileSystem);
Debug.Print ("There doesn't appear to be an SD card in the device.");

public static bool SDExists()
return (new VolumeInfo ("SD") != null);

Netduino Samples Github Repository

Full source code for all of the samples can be found in the Netduino Samples repository on Github.