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Meadow application lifecycle update

If you are updating Meadow.OS beta applications to the new Meadow.OS release candidate application lifecycle, there are some required code updates.

Does this apply to me?

After updating your Meadow board to the latest Meadow.OS, you will need to update your project to run with the latest application lifecycle if you are seeing the following error message in the Meadow output log.

Meadow StdOut: Assembly '/meadow0/Meadow.dll' doesn't have an entry point.

Visual Studio has stopped debugging

How do I update my Meadow app?

  1. Update to the latest Meadow NuGet packages that include the latest application lifecycle updates.

  2. In the project properties, change Application > General > Output type to Class Library (previously Console Application). Visual Studio project properties showing the output type selection with Class Library selected.

  3. In your MeadowApp class declaration, remove the second MeadowApp type parameter from the class' inherited App type.

    public class MeadowApp : App<F7FeatherV2>
  4. Remove the Program.cs file from your project. With the new lifecycle, this extra file isn't required anymore.

  5. Going forward, the preferred way of initializing and running your Meadow app is done using overridden Run and Initialize methods. (The prior system of constructor and calls to an initialization method will continue working for now.

    1. Override the Run and Initialize methods of App.

      public override Task Initialize()
      return base.Initialize();

      public override Task Run()
      return base.Run();
    2. Migrate your code from your constructor into these new Run and Initialize methods.