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Device Provisioning


Before a device can enjoy things like Over-the-Air updates and Health Monitoring, it needs to get provisioned with Meadow.Cloud. This is a straightforward process with a few command-line steps:

  1. Install the Meadow.CLI using the .NET CLI.

    dotnet tool install --global WildernessLabs.Meadow.CLI
  2. Use the Meadow CLI to authenticate with Meadow.Cloud. You'll need to register an account with Wilderness Labs if you haven't already done so.

    meadow login
  3. Connect to your Meadow device and provision it with the Meadow CLI. Adding a device name with the --name parameter is optional, but will make it easier to identify your device later.

    meadow device provision --name "my device"

You can visit to verify your device has been successfully provisioned.

With a device provisioned, check out the other Meadow.Cloud features.