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Wi-Fi Configuration

The wifi.config.yaml file can be used to set the default Wi-Fi access point and the password for that access point. The wifi.config.yaml file should look similar to this:

Ssid: YourSSID
Password: SSIDPassword

This file will be processed after the meadow.config.yaml file. Remember to set Copy to Output Directory to Copy always in the properties pane of any configuration files.

The Ssid name will be set as the default access point to be used as the system starts. The password will be used when connecting to the access point.

The wifi.config.yaml file will be deleted from flash storage after it has been processed and stored in secure storage on the ESP32 as the information is considered sensitive. This prevents the possibility of the file being read at a later point in time.

The contents of this file along with the AutomaticallyStartNetwork value in meadow.config.yaml can be used to automatically connect to an access point when the board starts.

Sample Apps

For an example of configuration in use, see the Config Files sample App in the Meadow.Samples repo.

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