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Hello, Seeed Studio ReTerminal

Step 1 - Install .NET Runtime

Download and install the latest version of the .NET runtime.

Step 2 - Install Visual Studio

Download and Install Visual Studio 2022 for Windows to prepare your development machine. Community edition will work fine.

Step 3 - Install Meadow Project Templates

Open a console window and enter the following command to install a list of Meadow project templates:

dotnet new install WildernessLabs.Meadow.Template

When installed, you’ll see a list of templates available:

The following template packages will be installed:

Success: WildernessLabs.Meadow.Template:: installed the following templates:
Template Name Short Name Language Tags
----------------------------- ----------------- -------------- --------------
Meadow Core-Compute App CoreComputeModule [C#],F#,VB.NET Meadow/Console
Meadow F7 Feather App F7Feather [C#],F#,VB.NET Meadow/Console
Meadow Library Library [C#],F#,VB.NET Meadow/Library
Meadow Project Lab App ProjectLab [C#] Meadow/Console
Meadow.Linux Jetson Nano App JetsonNano [C#] Meadow/Console
Meadow.Linux Raspberry Pi App RaspberryPi [C#] Meadow/Console
Meadow.Linux reTerminal App reTerminal [C#] Meadow/Console
Meadow.Windows + FT232H App WinFormsHardware [C#] Meadow/Console
Meadow.Windows App WinForms [C#] Meadow/Console

Step 4 - Add VS Linux Debugger Studio Extension

Open Visual Studio’s Extensions Manager and install the VS Linux Debugger Extension.

Make sure you go through their Getting Started instructions to properly configure the target device (reTerminal) and how to use the extension to build and deploy the Meadow.Linux application over the network.

Step 5 - Create your first Meadow application

In Visual Studio, open the Create a new project window. When you search for Meadow, you will see a list of project templates, click on Meadow.Linux reTerminal App (Wilderness Labs):

Create new Meadow Application

When this application runs, it'll show a 320x240 window in the center of the reTerminal's screen with a label saying Hello World using MicroLayout.

Step 6 - Run a Meadow Application

Once the application is deployed successfully, open a terminal on the reTerminal and go to inside the project's folder and type:

dotnet [Your Project Name].dll

The terminal will output a few console output strings in the MeadowApp and a GTK screen will appear in the center saying Hello World.

Initializing OS... 
Using default app.config.yaml...
Log level: Information
Platform does not support gpiod
Update Service is disabled.
Health Metrics disabled.
Hello, reTerminal!

Meadow.Linux reTerminal App Running

Step 7 - Check out additional samples

You can check more samples in our Meadow.Samples GitHub repo.

Meadow.SBCs.Samples GitHub Repository