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Assemble Meadow Board

This guide will walk you through the steps to assemble your Meadow development board to get you started.


Your kit should include:

  • 1 Meadow board
  • 1 Wooden Wilderness Labs protoboard
  • 2 Blue female header pins
  • 4 Screws
  • 8 Nuts

Meadow developer kit parts: mounting protoboard, Meadow board with headers and mounting hardware, and small breadboard.

Step 1 - Remove protective cover on the wooden base protoboard

The Wilderness Labs prototype boards come with a protective skin cover to protect the surface from dents and scratches.

Protoboard with protective skin on showing laser cutter burn marks on coating.

Peel the skin cover from the corners and remove the little bits in the logo and inside the letters. Your board should now look like this:

Protoboard with protective skin off showing clean etched wood grain.

Step 2 - Solder Meadow header pins

Now solder the blue female header pins to the Meadow board.

Photo of two Meadow boards, left showing raw header through-holes and one showing blue headers soldering through holes.

Check out the following video for instructions:

Step 3 - Place breadboard and Meadow to the base board

Meadow has battery connector on the right side of the device. For this reason, you have to place the breadboard on the left and Meadow on the right side of the protoboard. Make sure the breadboard is in the right orientation, and the four holes on the wooden board are on the right side.

Breadboard, Protoboard and Meadow

Remove the plastic sticker cover under the breadboard and stick it to the protoboard as firm and straight as possible. If you plan to use the outer-most holes to mount your Meadow kit to something else, make sure to keep the holes clear with enough room to add screws or standoffs.

Protoboard with breadboard mounted and Meadow adjacent with mounting hardware.

Put each screw in the corners on the Meadow board with one nut so when placing it on the base it will sit flat and the soldered header pins wont get in contact with the base.

Meadow with mounting screws and nuts attached to board.

Now you can finally fix Meadow through the protoboard and use the remaining 4 nuts to firmly hold them together.

Fully assembled Meadow developer kit with breadboard and Meadow board mounted.

Additionally, you could get metal or nylon fasteners so you screw them in the corners of the base board so it can sit flat on any surface.

Meadow developer kit with standoff fasteners attached to outer corners.

Congratulations, your Meadow developer kit assembled and now you're ready to test the Meadow board on the next section.

Next - Deploy Meadow OS