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Standard serial, typically referred to as RS-232 or UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is a moderate-speed, reliable, old-school, digital protocol used to communicate with a single device, using two wires:

Illustration showing a Meadow board connected to for UART serial on COM4, with a receive line on pin D00 and a transmit line on pin D01.

Depending on the hardware involved, serial can be used in extremely noisy industrial environments, over long distances; up to 60 meters (200 feet).


Standard serial uses two lines for communication; a transmit (TX) line for sending messages to the peripheral, and a receive (RX) for listening to messages sent from the peripheral.

Meadow TX => Peripheral RX, Meadow RX => Peripheral TX

It's important to note that the TX pin on the Meadow board should connect to the RX pin on the peripheral, and the RX pin on the Meadow board should connect to the TX pin on the peripheral.

Ground and Power

In addition to TX and RX, serial devices will also have ground and power pins/leads. Ground will need to be connected to GND on the Meadow board. The power lead will need to be connected either to the Meadow board's 3.3V rail or 5V rail, depending on what the device needs are.

If the device is powered by an external power supply, you must make sure the external power's ground is connected to the Meadow GND so that their voltages are the same.

UART/TTL vs RS-232

The RS-232 specification is a complete specification that includes hardware designs, electrical characteristics, and protocol specifications.

However, within that specification are generally two different flavors that describe the electrical characteristics of the protocol; UART/TTL & RS-232.

Serial has been around for a long time; before USB, it used to be a standard way for computers to talk to various peripherals such as keyboards and mice and connected to the serial port on a computer via an RS-232 cable with a connector like this:

Photo of the end of an RS232 cable showing the trapezoidal plug shape and nine pins, four on the narrower side and five on the wider side.

And many industrial peripherals that use standard serial communications still use RS-232 connectors.

Voltage Difference

RS-232 specifies that the voltages that signify 0 can be anywhere from 3V to 15V, and voltages that signify a 1 can range from -3V to -15V.

However, most modern microcontrollers have UART chips that operate at a TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) level of voltages that typically use OV to signify 0, and either 3.3V or 5V to signify 1.

Attempting to interface an RS-232 voltage level with a TTL level microcontroller will usually lead to the quick destruction of that port on the microcontroller, or even the entire microcontroller.

TTL/RS-232 Converters

Fortunately, many modern serial peripherals operate on TTL voltage levels. However, most industrial serial peripherals still use RS-232, which allows them to operate in noisy environments.

When using an RS-232 peripheral, the signal voltages must be level-shifted and inverted (high voltage in RS-232 signifies 0, whereas low-voltage at TTL signifies 0) in order to communicate. Fortunately there are low cost ICs (Integrated Circuits) that do this, such as the MAX232 chip.

Additionally, SparkFun has an RS-232 to TTL Shifter breakout board that not only converts RS-232 to TTL levels, but also includes an onboard RS-232 connector:

Photo of a SparkFun RS232 to TTL converter board with a 9-pin RS-232 port.

Meadow Serial Ports

The Meadow F7 Feather has two exposed serial ports, named COM4 and COM1 with the following pinout:

  • COM4 - D00 = RX, D01 = TX
  • COM1 - D13 = RX, D12 = TX

Illustration of a Meadow F7 Feather board with COM4 on pins D00 and D01, and COM1 on pins D12 and D13

Using the Meadow Serial API

Because serial is a legacy technology, working with it can be a little tricky. In fact, because of this, we have two serial port classes that you can use for serial communications:

  • ISerialMessagePort - This is a modern, asynchronous take on serial communications that is thread-safe and asynchronous in nature. This is the recommended way to use serial on Meadow for nearly all use cases.
  • ISerialPort - For legacy uses, this works like traditional serial ports, it's not thread-safe, and care must be taken to make sure that the communications buffer is used appropriately if there are multiple subscribers to its events.

For both classes, creating, opening, and writing to the underlying serial port is effectively the same, but the ISerialMessagePort handles reads in an asynchronous fashion, and bundles them into messages that can provide a much easier way of reading data coming in. In contrast, the class ISerialPort class must be manually read from when data comes in.

Regardless of how you interact with the port, these serial ports can have different names depending on the platform where you are developing your Meadow app. We will need to retreive the platform's preferred port name first.

var port4 = Device.PlatformOS.GetSerialPortName("COM4");

Using the SerialPortName the platform returns, we can create either a message-based or raw serial port.


ISerialMessagePort treats incoming data as messages, and will raise a MessageReceived event when they arrive. Messages are defined one of two ways:

  • Suffix - Defines a message as having an unconstrained length, but terminating with a sequence of bytes.
  • Prefix & Length - Defines a message as starting with a particular sequence of bytes, and having a specified length.

The ISerialMessagePort is configured in its constructor to operate in either of those two modes.

Instantiating an ISerialMessagePort using Suffix Delimited Messages

Often times, serial peripherals send varying length messages that are terminated by a sequence. For instance, GPS receivers send NMEA sentences of indeterminate length, but each sentence ends with the "newline" suffix of carriage-return and line-feed characters (\r\n) as in the following:


In this case, the serial message port should be created using the following constructor from the IIODevice:

ISerialMessagePort CreateSerialMessagePort(
SerialPortName portName,
byte[] suffixDelimiter,
bool preserveDelimiter,
int baudRate = 9600,
int dataBits = 8,
Parity parity = Parity.None,
StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One,
int readBufferSize = 512);

Alternatively, you can use a convenience extension method from SerialPortName to create your port, which will call the above interface method:

public static ISerialPort CreateSerialPort(
this SerialPortName name,
int baudRate = 9600,
int dataBits = 8,
Parity parity = Parity.None,
StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One,
int readBufferSize = 1024)

For instance, if we wanted to create a serial port on COM4 (pins D00 and D01 on the F7 Feather) that defines \r\n as its suffix delimiter, we can use the following code:

suffixDelimiter: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n"), preserveDelimiter: true);

Instantiating an ISerialMessagePort using Fixed-Length Prefix-Delimited Messages

Sometimes, serial peripherals will send fixed-length messages that have a common prefix as in the following:


In this case, the serial message port should be created using the following constructor from the IIODevice:

ISerialMessagePort CreateSerialMessagePort(
SerialPortName portName,
byte[] prefixDelimiter,
bool preserveDelimiter,
int messageLength,
int baudRate = 9600,
int dataBits = 8,
Parity parity = Parity.None,
StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One,
int readBufferSize = 512);

Alternatively, you can use a convenience extension method from SerialPortName to create your port, which will call the above interface method:

public static ISerialMessagePort CreateSerialMessagePort(
this SerialPortName name,
byte[] prefixDelimiter,
bool preserveDelimiter,
int messageLength,
int baudRate = 9600,
int dataBits = 8,
Parity parity = Parity.None,
StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One,
int readBufferSize = 512)

For instance, if we wanted to create a serial port on COM4 (pins D00 and D01 on the F7 Feather) that defines $ as its prefix delimiter, and has a 6 byte message length, we can use the following code:

var port = Device.PlatformOS.GetSerialPortName("COM4")
suffixDelimiter: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("$"),
messageLength: 8
preserveDelimiter: true);

Raw ISerialPort

To use a non-messaged Serial Port in Meadow, first create an ISerialPort from the IPlatformOS you're using, passing the SerialPortName:

var serialPort = Device.PlatformOS.GetSerialPortName("COM4").CreateSerialPort(baudRate: 115200);

Opening a Serial Port

Once either an ISerialMessagePort or ISerialPort is created, call the Open() method to establish a connection with a peripheral:


Data Protocol Structure Configuration

Optionally, you can also specify the number of data bits in a message frame, parity, and number of stop bits. The datasheet on your serial peripheral should specify what those values should be. The most common is 8n1, which means 8 data bits, no parity check, or Parity.None, and one stop bit, or StopBits.One. 8n1 is the default for the serial port constructor, but you can specify something different as well:

var serialPort = Device.CreateSerialMessagePort(Device.PlatformOS.GetSerialPortName("COM4"), 9600, 7, Parity.Even, StopBits.Two);

Writing to a Serial Port

Once the serial port is opened, communication with peripherals is possible and done with byte[] data.

To write, call the Write(byte[] buffer) method and pass in the bytes to send to the peripheral:

var buffer = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x0F, 0x01 };

Encoding and Decoding Serial Port Messages

Note that serial ports deal in byte arrays, rather than strings or characters, so any strings need to be converted to bytes. Typically, you'll want to use Encoding.UTF8 or Encoding.ASCII encoding.

To turn a string into a byte[], you can use the following call:


Reading from a Serial Port

ISerialPort and ISerialMessage port diverge greatly in their behavior in regards to reading from them. Serial is a legacy protocol technology in which data comes in asynchronously and unlike messages in SPI or I2C, there is no standard message protocol. Typically, in legacy serial port implementations the consumer is expected to either continuously poll the serial port buffer and pull off new data bytes, or wait for a serial data received event notification, and then pull bytes off the receive buffer.

Both of these approaches have massive drawbacks. Polling a serial port is processor intensive, as it relies on a loop that constantly checks for new data. Waiting for an event to read from the buffer is more efficient, but both methods can be extremely problematic when actually reading from the buffer. The issue is that a serial port has a single receive buffer, and reading from that buffer removes the data from it. If multiple actors are reading from the buffer, then the each actor might only get fragments of the intended data, rendering the data invalid. Additionally, because messages are indeterminate in their termination, when the data received event comes in, the entire message data may not have arrived, so a data consumer would need to either continuously poll for more data until it can be determined that all the data has come in, or use advanced threading techniques to resume the reading thread when additional data has come in.

Reading Messages via ISerialMessagePort

It is for this reason that we created the ISerialMessagePort, which handles all of the underlying concurrency issues on the receive buffer and takes an asynchronous approach to serial messages. Simply define your message type during construction and then listen for incoming message notifications. In this way, multiple consumers can listen for new data without concurrency issues, and all reading is handled efficiently, under the hood.

MessageReceived Event

When a fully formed message arrives, the ISerialMessagePort raises a MessageReceived event that can be subscribed to:

serialPort.MessageReceived += SerialPort_MessageReceived;

The MessageReceived event passes a SerialMessageData object that has a contains a copy of the message in a Message property, but if you need a string, it includes a GetMessageString() method that takes a System.Text.Encoding class and will automatically convert for you:

void SerialPort_MessageReceived(object sender, SerialMessageData e)

Reading from the Receive Buffer via ClassicSerialPort

When data from the peripheral is received, it's placed in an internal circular receive buffer. The simplest way to read the data from that buffer is to call the Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) method, passing in a buffer to read the bytes into, as well as the start index and the number of bytes to read.

For example, the following code will read 7 bytes from the buffer:

byte[] response = new byte[7];
this.serialPort.Read(response, 0, 7);

Read will also remove (dequeue) those bytes from the buffer. If you want to read from the buffer without removing the data, you can use the Peek() method.

DataReceived Event

As data is received by the serial port, a DataReceived event is raised.

Read() Warning

Because the receive buffer is shared, and a single message might arrive in multiple chunks, each chunk associated with a DataReceived event, care must be taken that there is only one consumer of the buffer, and that any reads are done in a critical section (i.e., C#'s lock(object) { ... } syntax).

Additional APIs

There are a number of other APIs available on serial ports, please see the ISerialPort API documentation for more details.