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NuGet packageNuGet Gallery for Meadow.Foundation.Motors.Stepper.GpioStepper

Code Example

private IStepperMotor stepper;

private bool UseStepDirConfiguration { get; set; } = true;

public override Task Initialize()
if (UseStepDirConfiguration)
// use a drive configured for STEP/DIR GPIOs
stepper = new StepDirStepper(
stepsPerRevolution: 200);
// use a drive configured for CW/CCW GPIOs
stepper = new CwCcwStepper(
stepsPerRevolution: 200);

return base.Initialize();

public override Task Run()
// return RunUntilCancelled();
// return RunForSpecifiedTime();
// return RunToSpecificPositions();
return RotateSpecifiedAmount();

private async Task RunUntilCancelled()
var direction = RotationDirection.Clockwise;
var rate = new AngularVelocity(1, AngularVelocity.UnitType.RevolutionsPerSecond);

while (true)
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

Resolver.Log.Info($"Start running...");
var task = stepper.Run(direction, rate, tokenSource.Token);

Resolver.Log.Info($"wait for 3 seconds...");
await Task.Delay(3000);

Resolver.Log.Info($"cancelling motion...");

Resolver.Log.Info($"wait for motion to stop");

Resolver.Log.Info($"motion stopped");

direction = direction switch
RotationDirection.CounterClockwise => RotationDirection.Clockwise,
_ => RotationDirection.CounterClockwise

await Task.Delay(500);

private async Task RunForSpecifiedTime()
while (true)
var direction = RotationDirection.Clockwise;
var rate = new AngularVelocity(1, AngularVelocity.UnitType.RevolutionsPerSecond);

Resolver.Log.Info($"Run for 2 seconds...");
await stepper.RunFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), direction, rate);

direction = RotationDirection.CounterClockwise;
rate = new AngularVelocity(2, AngularVelocity.UnitType.RevolutionsPerSecond);

await stepper.RunFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), direction, rate);

private async Task RotateSpecifiedAmount()
while (true)
for (var turns = 0.5d; turns <= 5; turns += 0.5)
Resolver.Log.Info($"Moving {turns:0.0} revolutions");

var direction = RotationDirection.Clockwise;
var rate = new AngularVelocity(4, AngularVelocity.UnitType.RevolutionsPerSecond);

await stepper.Rotate(new Angle(turns, Angle.UnitType.Revolutions), direction, rate);

await Task.Delay(1000);

private async Task RunToSpecificPositions()
RotationDirection direction;

var rate = new AngularVelocity(2, AngularVelocity.UnitType.RevolutionsPerSecond);

// turn in smaller and smaller degree increments
var increments = new double[] { 180, 90, 60, 45, 30 };

while (true)
direction = RotationDirection.Clockwise;


foreach (var increment in increments)
Resolver.Log.Info($"Moving in increments of {increment} degrees");

await stepper.GoTo(new Angle(0), direction, rate);
await Task.Delay(1000);

var nextPosition = 0d;

while (nextPosition < 360)
Resolver.Log.Info($"Moving to {nextPosition} degrees");

nextPosition += increment;

await stepper.GoTo(new Angle(nextPosition, Meadow.Units.Angle.UnitType.Degrees), direction, rate);
await Task.Delay(1000);

await Task.Delay(3000);

direction = RotationDirection.CounterClockwise;


foreach (var increment in increments)
Resolver.Log.Info($"Moving in increments of {increment} degrees");

var nextPosition = 360d;

await stepper.GoTo(new Angle(0), direction, rate);
await Task.Delay(1000);

while (nextPosition > 0)
Resolver.Log.Info($"Moving to {nextPosition} degrees");

nextPosition -= increment;

await stepper.GoTo(new Angle(nextPosition, Meadow.Units.Angle.UnitType.Degrees), direction, rate);
await Task.Delay(1000);

await Task.Delay(3000);

Resolver.Log.Info($"--- Cycle complete ---");

Sample project(s) available on GitHub